김지밍 2015. 11. 14. 17:34

- Open Firmware


- FPGA 참고

The Flattened Device Tree is...

The Flattened Device Tree (FDT) is a data structure. Nothing more.

It describes a machine hardware configuration. It is derived from the device tree format used by Open Firmware. The format is expressive and able to describe most board design aspects including:

  • the number and type of CPUs,
  • base addresses and size of RAM,
  • busses and bridges,
  • peripheral device connections, and
  • interrupt controllers and IRQ line connections.

Just like initrd images, an FDT image can either be statically linked into the kernel or passed to the kernel at boot time.

(출처. http://elinux.org/Device_Tree)

참고. http://blog.dasomoli.org/491